Our Free Oracle Commerce Assessment is as Easy as 1, 2, 3!
- November 13, 2019
- Posted by: Asheesh Seth
- Categories: Informative, Latest News
No CommentsAt Sterlite, we have built an excellent reputation of ensuring that our clients are able to get the most performance and value out of their Oracle Commerce application. One of the most informative and eye-opening services is our Oracle Commerce Assessment. From memory leaks, misconfigured web servers and poor coding practices, we have seen it
Why Settle for Less Than the Best?
- August 8, 2019
- Posted by: Asheesh Seth
- Categories: Informative, Latest News
With the year half over, Sterlite has been very busy on the ATG/Oracle Commerce front. We have seen a lot of existing code from our clients and that was done by previous SI’s that quite frankly, leaves a lot to be desired. Memory Leaks, Inefficient Coding Practices, Proprietary Layers, poor SEO, and misguided Content Management Strategies.
How can we help you?
We would love to hear from you! Please contact us at info@sterliteusa.com or 866-560-4050 to schedule a demo or discuss how we can turn your vision into a reality.
“In the time I have been working with Sterlite, they have continued to impress me with their technical ability and innovative thinking. They are my go-to for anything app dev related.”